Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sickness and Other Stuff

It's been just over a week since I've been home from the Banff Writer's Workshop Workshop on Steroids. Last week, I gave myself permission to relax, process, and recover. I didn't have any expectations on my writing, exercising, or cooking. This week, however, I planned to re-enter life with a whiz-bang. Resume my running schedule, cook some healthy meals, and crack at my WIP with renewed gusto.

The best laid plans....

I got sick. My oldest son, Jordan, acquired pneumonia while I was away, and my younger son, Hunter, got a mini-me version. So, sure enough, Monday morning I get hit with the sick stick and now I'm on the couch, shivering, coughing and generally feeling sorry for myself. No running, which is kind of driving me nuts. No cooking....well, I'm not too broken up about that one. I got my daughter, Victoria, to bring home won ton soup from work last night. Super yummy!

As for writing? What better opportunity, than to be relegated to the couch all day? There's only so many episodes of The Walking Dead I can watch before I turn into a zombie. The books I'm reading aren't really doing it for me. So, time to open that sucker up and get some words down. I'm struggling with setting in a major way with this novel, and I'm still not sure how I will fix it. But I'm going to keep plugging away, and trust that it will sort itself out.

Hope you all have a great week!



Unknown said...

Sorry to hear you are sick :(

Can't wait to hear about your retreat though! Coffee soon?

Valerie said...

Absolutely! I'll let you know when I'm not contagious.

Lesley-Anne said...

Me too, me too!!!